Reels have taken over social media these days. Catching the viewers attention in .2 seconds is vital. Contact Social Ghost— for reel. ;)

Prairie Creek Farms opened their new store, Pete’s Market. Social Ghost went out to capture a captivating promo to inspire people to come check it out. And it worked… they posted this reel and got over 20k view in just a few days. They had hundreds of people come out on their opening day and let’s just say they did VERY well. :)

Clean Dean's Chimney Sweep Service

A quick ad reminding homeowners how important it is to get your annual sweep in before the winter season.

Camp Tumble Smart 30 Second Reel

A teaser reel for promotional purposes. Camp Tumble Smart is a unique tumbling camp here in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. They take pride in a fun, lighthearted, encouraging atmosphere and in this environment athletes gain new skills left and right.

Sizzlin' hot burgers, local, all organic beef in the heart of the Rose District. YUM!

Alert 360 reel featuring their customer, Cain's Ballroom.

Alert 360 reel featuring their customer the Oklahoma Aquarium.

ITFA Taekwon-Do in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

Guilt free, delicious chocolate made right here in Oklahoma. You can now eat chocolate every day and still be a good girl. Found in Whole Foods!

A captivating, playful, smile worthy ad for Alert 360.


If you ever find yourself driving neighborhoods in Beverly Hills, Bel Air, the Pacific Palisades and more… you will see ACS Home Security signs EVERYWHERE… they are always patrolling, keeping the communities, homes and families safe and sound.

Rapture Ales Bottle Release Teaser

A microbrewery, brewing and bottling at Prairie Creek Farms in Kellyville, Oklahoma is releasing “Sugar Foot”, a roasted coconut & coffee imperial stout. This 15 second teaser video was created to provoke interest, intrigue and excitement for the bottle release party via social media.